Golden City Remodeling Inc. (Contractors) in North Hollywood
Full information about Golden City Remodeling Inc. in North Hollywood: address, opening hours, phone, fax, email, website. Golden City Remodeling Inc. on the map, description and reviews.
Contact details of Golden City Remodeling Inc.:
Golden City Remodeling Inc. opening hours:
Sunday: 10AM-3PM, Mon- Thur. 8AM-6PM, Friday: 8AM-5PM, Saturday: Closed
EditReviews about Golden City Remodeling Inc.:
About Golden City Remodeling Inc.:
GCR is one of the leading residential and commercial contractors in the greater Los Angeles area. As longtime Los Angeles residents and contractors specializing in beautifying and upgrading homes and buildings across the region – we consider ourselves your neighborhood partners. “You can’t build a great building on a weak foundation” and at GCR, we take quality very seriously! Servicing the greater Los Angeles area, our residential and commercial crews take pride in our commitment to thorough preparation, long-lasting guarantees, and expertise in both our remodeling and comprehensive renovation projects.
EditContractors nearest to Golden City Remodeling Inc.:
Hamlet Electric North Hollywood, Contractors; 11707 Otsego St#I, North Hollywood, CA, 91607-3230; (818) 762-3020
Issy Does It Construction Co North Hollywood, Contractors; 4833 Morella Ave, North Hollywood, CA, 91607-3227; (818) 980-2628
Profix Inc North Hollywood, Contractors; 11440 Chandler Blvd, North Hollywood, CA, 91601-3131; (818) 980-2344
Trafecanty Painting North Hollywood, Contractors; 11200 Magnolia Blvd, North Hollywood, CA, 91601; (661) 252-1159